Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Bill!

a.k.a. 'Mr. Wonderful'. Are y'all gonna puke yet? Here is Bill with Cleo and his fishing boat. If he could wax his boat, he would. Bill is all fishing, all the time, especially ice fishing, it's his favorite. We have our own fishing village in front of the cabin when the ice comes in. He also likes to birdhunt. He has a bow, but isn't going to bow hunt this year. Actually, I think that he just likes to be out in the woods, with me and without me. Oh, he has this fishing shirt that says, "I fish because I can't hear my wife from the boat." Hmmmm, should I buy some walkie-talkies? Luckily, I have a good sense of humor. If you know of any good fishing websites or blogs, let me know.

I'd also like to give a shout out to Shelley and her husband over at http://www.logcabininmichigan.blogspot.com/ they are celebrating a wedding anniversary today. Happy Anniversary! If it wasn't for Shelley not minding me shadowing her for about a week, I'd have never figured this blog stuff out. Thanks Shelley!


  1. A very happy birthday to your husband!!
    And thank you for the anniversary wishes and shout out! So glad to have another log blog friend!!

  2. Happy Birthday to Bill.
    I am a hunter's widow almost 12 months out of the year. I got to help set up a tree stand last week..Yippee! LOL

  3. Thanks Shelly and Jen for the Birthday wishes. It was great day. We went out to dinner with friends and had lamb chops they were great. My Wonderful Mother in Law ( I have to say this because she reads this blog) got me a dress shirt and a sweater. Grandma got me a very nice sweater. Denise got me hoodie, a subscription Outdoor Life and In-fisherman Magazines. She also got me a book called One Mans Wilderness. This is a true story about a man who builds a log cabin in the Alasakan wildernes using nothing but hand tools. This is an awesome story. If you get a chance read the book. There is also a DVD documentary that I want to get.
    Our friends got me a book called Shadow Divers. It is a true story about two guys who find a sunken German submarine off the east coast. It is supposed to be a very good book. I am looking forward to reading it.

  4. Bill - Alone in the Wilderness is one of my favorite books and documentary! In fact, i just had a delivery from Amazon yesterday - I got 'More Readings From One Man's Wilderness' - it is from his journals from 1974-1980.

  5. Yes, your Mother-in-Law, reads this... again, "Happy Birthday, and thanks for Brittany's picture, she wasn't your favorite dog, but I sure loved her and miss her..Mom


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