Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekend at the Cabin

Hello everyone,

As soon as Halloween is over and the kids are all home working on making their dentist rich... Me and the hounds will be heading to the cabin. Hope to get some hunting in. I'll update on the weekend next week.

Happy Halloween to everyone.



  1. happy halloween to you & denise!

  2. Well back from the cabin. It was beautiful. I got up on Saturday morning around 630 am. I had a pounding sinus headache. Thank goodness for Sinus Tylenol. Got dressed and headed to the hunting grounds to scout deer for the upcoming firearm season. As I was pulling off our road I ran into our neighbor Cliff. He asked if I wanted some company, I said sure and off we went. We pulled of M-18 on to two track and drove in a couple hundred yards. Cliff walked down the road aways and I went and sat on a hill. The hill gives me a great view of the surrounding area and I can see anything that moves.

    Didn't see anything for the longest time until all of a sudden I saw some movement. I got the binoculars out and it was big 4-point buck. He was just meandering along. I think he winded me because his tail was straight up, although he did not run off he was looking around to make sure he was safe. Even if was hunting at the time I would not have taken this deer because he needs to get older and bigger.

    Cliff and I met back up and took my truck around this area to see if there were any other trails or signs of deer. We than headed back to the cabin. Cliff and his wife Carol had asked me to help get their paddleboat out the water. We agreed I would come back over around 1:30 pm. I went and let the dogs out, had snack and took a nap.

    At 1:30 I went over and Cliff and I got the paddleboat out and covered. We than went out to lunch at the Elbow Lake Bar. If you ever get the chance go to the Elbow, it is log cabin bar and the food is very good. Cliff and Carol bought lunch, which they did not have to do, but I greatly apprecaited it. Cliff also had some Russian Sardines he wanted me to try and i did. Won't be doing that again.

    Went back to the cabin took another nap and than headed out to the hill to scout. Did not see anything Saturday evening of Sunday Morning. I know the deer are around because there are fresh tracks everywhere.

    Got back to the cabin and had lunch, watched the first part of the Lions game (actually thought they might win LOL). Loaded the hounds up and headed for home.

    Can't wait to get back up the opener. With any luck we will be having venison for Thankgiving.

  3. Next Weekend is out o my friends Tom's place to fish, watch football, drink beer and oh yeah, we are taking out his dock.


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