Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Heading up north

Good Evening Everyone,

After work tomorrow I am driving up to the cabin to spend New Years Eve with Denise. I am taking our 16 year old nephew Jimmy with me. We plan on ice fishing and just hanging out at the cabin. I do have to go check on my wonderful Mother in Laws place in Houghton Lake. I will probably have to rake the snow off the roof.

Denise did make it to the cabin OK, however when she got there there was no electicity. It was 36 degrees in the cabin. She got the fire going but with no power the blower wasn't working so she only go the temp up to about 55 degrees. The fire went out during the night so the temp dropped. She slept on the couch covered by several blankets and she had to cover the hounds up as well. Fortunately the power came back on today so all is well in cabin land. We did lose everything in the fridge, so time to restock.

We are going to the Elbow Lake Bar for New Years Eve. They are having a pot luck. Not sure what Denise is making but it should be a good time.

What is everyone doing for New Years?

We wish all of you a Safe and Blessed New Year and may 2009 be the best year ever for you.



  1. Hi Bill, Glad the electricity came back on at the cabin... I know Denise is glad to be there--and hopefully you'll be there soon.

    Please have a Happy New Year, all of you!!!

  2. Poor Denise - glad the electricity came back on for her! have a wonderful New Years Eve! We wish we could be spending it at our cabin too - but we're still recovering from a bad bout with the flu. We hope to head up there in the next 3 or 4 days. Good luck ice fishing! We watched some guys pull a huge pike out of our lake last week.

  3. Have a safe trip dear son-in-law, say hi to Jimmy, thanks for checking on my roof for me, good luck on the fishing. Mom

  4. Hi Bill and Denise,... Happy 2009 to you both! I'm glad the power came back for Denise at the cabin. When a place is set up to use electricity it is tough to not have it. Our log cabin has never been set up for power. We have gas range, and frige, and wood stoves. Coleman lamps and one gas light in the kitchen. It's mostly a summer camp, but we have used it in cold weather for snowmobiling weekends. It's much more primitive than yours. Enjoy your potluck!

  5. I hope you've had your quota of power failures at the cabin for awhile. Enjoy the potluck tonight and Happy New Year.

  6. Happy New Year to both of you. Have fun at the cabin now that it will be warmer. The day before we left our cabin to come to town to spend New Years with my mom, the propane tank ran dry. That was good since our fridge is propane driven. But with a cold cabin in our absence everything should have been OK anyway. We get to head back up on Friday so we are both very excited. Enjoy your night out, we are staying in for a simple dinner at home. - Margy


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