Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fall and Winter

Bill took these identical shots standing precariously on a log in a wooded wetlands across our lake. We actually won a prize for the Fall photo over at Log Home U. It is a leaf blower and is on it's way to our home!


  1. Why not continue and do a 4 seasons series? They would look nice in one of those frames with four openings or individually framed,... the shots are perfect!

  2. I agree -- you need to continue through the seasons. They are great pictures!

  3. Wow Denise... I love seeing the same places during all of the seasons. Great post...

  4. Both are beautiful, and I can see why you won for the fall shot, but I really like the winter scene best. - Margy

  5. These photos are great! I'm so glad you won Denise! (sniff, sniff - no leaf blower for me!)

  6. I agree with George, I think I might have just the place on my diningroom wall for a set of 4 pictures...Mom

  7. How Beautiful! I love the reflections in the lake! df

  8. Wow, I really like these shots. It's a great view a wonderful looking cabin

  9. Cedar - That's a good idea! I'll get Bill on it.

    George - I can't wait to see what it will be like in Spring.

    Betsy - hmmmm, now I'll have to find another shot that he can take all 4 seasons.

    Sugar Bush - Thanks! Bill does a good job.

    Shelley - I didn't think that our photo was the best.

    Mom - Cool idea!

    df - thanks, we just love our tiny little lake.

    Jen - thanks, but ours really wasn't the best.

    Wendy - Now I'm getting excited over having all 4 seasons

  10. Great idea for a Christmas card, four season photos in one card !
    Shows off the beauty of your place in the woods.
    Happy New Year.

  11. Hi Denise~I just found your blog and I was captivated by your cabin.
    I have added you to my favs to follow along...I love your posts!
    Looking forward to reading more!

  12. Gunn - I hadn't thought of the 4 seasons in a Christmas card. Great idea. Maybe next year.

    Janene - thanks for stopping in and following along. I took a peek at your blog. Primitive stuff is so cool, especially since we have a Victorian at home.


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