Monday, January 19, 2009

New Computer and the weekend

Hello everyone,

Well we got the new computer up and running. It's great. We are still playing with it to find out what it can do. Denise will post more about the computer since she is the computer wizard in this house.

I went to a friends cottage this last weekend. Mark's cottage is about 2 hours west of of our house. It is on Dragon Lake in Kinderhook Michigan. It was a duel purpose weekend. Ice Fishing and drywalling. Mark had a pipe burst a while back, which pretty much wiped out the ceiling in his one bedroom. We got over to Mark's place Friday evening. There was Mark, Jeff, Rick, Tom and Myself. We had a couple adult beverages and relaxed.

Saturaday we got up and I got the shanty set up. I was the only one in the group who brought a shanty. I figured with as cold as it was that whoever wanted to use the shanty could to get out of the cold. Mark was really the only one who fished Saturday morning, the only one who was brave enough to fight the sub zero weather. When Mark came back in we started the drywall. We only had to do the ceiling as he is going to panelthe walls. We were done by 10:00 am. We had lunch and napped. Around three we all started to migrate outside to fish. We only stayed for a couple of hours We came back in and Mark cooked up steaks and we watched basketball.

We had tip up outs and Rick caught a pike. It looked like it was leagal but we put it back to grow bigger. Mark caught some bluegills and cleaned them up. That was the extent of the fishing on Saturday.

Sunday we got up and I headed out on the ice. I could not get the fish to bite. That is the way it goes sometimes. Just as we were getting ready to pull the tip ups out when the flag on my tip up went up. I caught a 30+ inch pike. We were not going to keep him for dinner and he is not big enough to put on the wall so back in the hole he went. So with that we packed up and headed for home. A quick weekend it was, not much fishing but a good time with good friends.

Hope your weekend was as good as mine.



  1. Hi Bill---Sounds like a great 'Guy's Weekend.' Sorry the fish weren't cooperating!!!! Guess they were too cold also!!!

    Anxious to hear all about the new toy!!!

  2. I'm glad to hear that the new computer is up and running. I learned we have something in common -- Betsy is the computer wizard in our family! Sounds like you had a great weekend.

  3. great kind of weekend, whether for guys or gals,... with friends is always the best!

  4. Glad your new computer is up and you two are back to posting! Sounds like you had a fun weekend with the guys!

  5. Betsy - my Mom just told me that my Grandma is upset that Bill didn't clean that pike! He's promised to clean the next pike.

    George - I wouldn't call myself a computer expert in any way. I look at things a little too deep. My first class was in BASIC language. DOS stuff. Creepy. I'm afraid.

    Cedar - you got it, with friends, it's so great.

    Bill always has great weekends with 'the guys'. He has to put up with me this weekend! LOL


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