Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snowing again!

***But first - Bill and I will be going to see my Mom and Grandma in Florida at the beginning of March. YAY!!! Can't wait to see them!***

Bill has been on the road since 6:00am with Cleo. He JUST got to the cabin at 11:00am! He said the roads are terrible.

I am at work right now and heading to the cabin around 4:00pm today. Thank you to everyone who has asked if I am still employed. Yes, I am, but terribly short handed and excrutiatingly busy. Work is interfering with my social life...LOL The cloud still hangs over that more furloughs are coming. But, for now, I am safe.

I have been clipping coupons and studying hard at being a 'strategic shopper'. Check out I've been learning a lot there. Unfortunately her website is down today.

Anyway, I'll be heading up north around 4:00pm today. Hopefully the roads will be better. In the mean time, here are some pic's of Cleopatra, Queen of the Cabin.


  1. Cleo is beautiful! What a lovely face... She's enjoying just lounging around....

  2. Glad to hear your job is still in good shape. Times are really tough. We are in the midst of a sunny break. Storms are to the south for a change. I'm a little worried because it has been a very dry winter here on the coast. And the snow pack is also low. This may be a very dry summer coming. The lake is already low because they have been sucking the water out to make power. - Margy

  3. Hope you had a safe trip.
    Enjoy your snow--ours is finally Gone. yipee!
    Cleo is a cutie.

  4. I want to hug Cleo! Glad you got to enjoy some time at your cabin - I thought the weather was pretty decent this past weekend.

  5. Hugs to both you and Bill. Hope you had safe travel to the cabin...

    Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you both.

    Love that Cleo.

  6. Hi! Just found your blog. I enjoyed seeing the pix of your cabin. Hubby & I built a cabin in south central Colorado so I'm always interested in what others do!
    Hope you're staying warm! You all have some serious winters up there!

  7. Okay, now Cleo needs her own blog. Was that picture of the deer (neck deep in snow) real or photo shopped?? We miss the snow up at our log cabin in Idaho. You lucky dog, Cleo!

  8. Oh shucks, I just made a large answer here and got an error by blogger. Rocket Dog and Hootie, the pic of the deer came by email, I don't know the validity of the photo.


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