Monday, March 2, 2009


Hello Everyone,

It has been a while since we have posted. Sorry about that but we have been extremly busy with work. We are on the eve of our vacation to Florida. We are going down to see Denise's Mom and Grandma. We will be doing the tourist thing as well as going to the magic kingdom to the mouse. We will have a good time no matter what we do. It is going to be nice to get away from work and the winter weather.

This last weekend I went to the cabin with my good friends Tom and Jeff. The plan was to ice fish. That plan got side tracted when a pipe burst. Our bedroom got pretty wet. We got it cleaned up and the I fixed the pipe. Below is a picture of the burst pipe. You know you have good friends when they stay with you and help fix the situation instead of fishing. I felt bad and told them to go fishing, but they refused. It truely was blessing that they were there.

Once we got this plumbing problem fixed and then we fished. We didn't catch anything but we fished. The temps were single digits on Sunday with wind chill in the negative numbers.

On Denise's bird feeders were a flock of common red polls. They must be migrating back to Canada. There must have been 30 or 40 red polls on our feeders. Here are som pics of them.

Hope you enjoy the pics and we will try to blog from Florida. We wiah you all well.



  1. Sorry about the problem at the cabin, but I'm glad you got it fixed before things got worse. Have a great vacation.

  2. what great friends you have! Enjoy Florida and bring home some sunshine and warm temps for all of us...our cabins are calling!
    Debbie at Hemlock Haven

  3. Have a great trip! You deserve it.

  4. Hello Eveeryone,

    Well we made it to Florida. Denise's Mom and Grandma picked us up at the airport. It got up to 63 degrees and sunny yesterday. A far cry from the 9 degrees in Detroit when we left.

    Today plans are to go to the local Butterfly Museum and then to the Florida Wildlife State Park. We have been to the Wildlife park before. It is a really good time and gives you a chance to see native Florida wildlife up close.

    The high today will be around 70 degrees and sunny. Not that I am bragging or anything, but it nice not ot have two layers of clothes on.

    Thank you everyone for your well wishes. We will post pics of our trip as soon, although it may not be until we get home.


  5. Denise & Bill - have a wonderful trip! Denise - be sure to say hi to your mom for me! I'm still available for adoption! LOL! Sunny weather sounds good.

  6. I wish I was in Florida...

    FYI: Come over to my page to check out the free diaper I am giving away.

    Love... Hot Belly Mama


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