Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lost Twin Lakes Pathway

Here are a couple of pics from Lost Twin Lakes Pathway. This is just off the ORV/Snowmobile trails between our cabin and Houghton Lake.

Bill, Cleo and Kaiser after our 3 mile walk.

This was an odd tree. It had one branch that grew to the ground and re-rooted and grew back up.

Here is baby-dog Kaiser. Even though he is on a leash, he is also wearing a cow bell, just in case...

Cleo and Kaiser near a downed tree. Cleo is wearing an orange vest for her safety...it is bird season.

Here is Bill climbing up a the roots of a downed tree! This section of the forest appears to have had straight line winds at one time. Bill had to climb down into a ravine for me to get this pic. Cool, huh?


  1. Looks like a great place to hike. I see you mentioned ORV trails. Other places seem to have official trails, but here in Powell River we either use old logging roads or build our own (sometimes reactivating old logging roads). It's all unofficial and no permission is ever sought or given, but it seems to work for everyone. ATV riders honour hiking trails, but we welcome hikers on ours. - Margy

  2. Wonderful to get the last of the season hike in.
    All too soon Ol' Man Winter will be here.


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