Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Sunday everone!
Just back from a weekend at the cabin. We did a lot of work this weekend. I finished closing up the kitchen cabinet from my plumbing job earlier in the winter, this made Dee very happy since it will keep the bat from visiting. I keep trying to tell her that he doesn't eat much. She does not believe it.
Dee worked somemore on her garden out side our bedroom, it is realy coming along. We will add pics later.
I put a new out door spigot in on the front of the cabin.
We also bought a St. Fancis statue for my Memorial garden for my Mom.
Below are some pics of some of our birds and a awesome sunset Please enjoy.

Nesting pair of Mallard Ducks

This female Downy had taken up residence in one of our bird houses. She since has been replaced by barn swallows who are currently busy building their nest. Sorry no pics of them yet.

Here is a pic of my Mom's Memorial garden with St. Francis.
St. Fancis was my Mom's favorite Saint.

A close up of St. Fancis the Patron Saint of Animals.

We finish with this absolutely awesome sunset on Saturday. It was just a great weekend at the cabin with Dee and the hounds.


  1. Beautiful photos! St Francis is my favorite Saint too - I had a bird feeder statue of him until the squirrels knocked him down. I need to get a new one. HOping Kaiser and Scout can have a play date this summer!

  2. How Awesome to have a sunset like that in your front yard!

  3. Thanks Shelley, I feel better knowing St. Francis is watching over our animals and cabin. We will have to get together soon. Maybe Memorial Day weekend.

    Thanks for stopping in Jen. Last time I saw a sunset like that I was stationed in Guam.

  4. You forgot the most important person you saw this weekend, your Mother-in-Law.

  5. We've had some great time at our cabin this spring. Our barn swallows returned last week. After all the mishaps last year with falling chicks and falling nests, we got things ready for them to rebuild. Wayne put up a little shelf so the nest could have a little more support. I made a large pillow for the porch roof in case any more chicks get pushed out of the nest. At least they might have a fighting chance to survive. We love watching all the birds too. - Margy

  6. do you like birds? i ate one the other day it was a Turkey! XD


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