We used Campbells Canoe Livery in Roscommon. The folks are that own the livery are very nice and accommodating. I would recommend them.
A muskrat swimming away from me on the paddleboat.
As I was paddleboating I was hearing this squeeking noise. I could not figure out what it was until I saw this female Yellow Bellied Sapsucker fly to the tree to feed her young. This tree is on our property.
Here is silhouette of a humming bird
Although he will grow up to be a pest that iratates the dogs , he is just to darn cute.
All in all we all had good time with neighbors, family and wildlife. The weather was perfect and the beer was cold. Truely a great weekend.
After with all the debris removed and the rocks put into place. We were careful about not interfering with the gas line to the furnace and the electrical to the shed. I'll also be careful about putting short rooted plants in those areas. Any recomendations for plants in this area? It gets morning sun only, so probably along the lines of hosta and heuchera and other shade lovers.