I'm heading up north early tomorrow morning, but I thought I'd share a quick photo of our stone fireplace just after we bought the cabin. The fireplace is SOLID rock, which were split to give you the illusion of identical sides. Most of the stone is granite, some marble and other various fieldstone. The part that you cannot see is the actual arch in the fireplace that I'll show at a later date with pic's that we have after temporarily pulling the insert out to clean and maintain it. The opening in the fireplace itself, is approximately 3-4 ft. deep and about 3 ft. high at the middle of the arch. It has the original custom cast iron floor. This is one HUGE fireplace. The insert is an 'Earth Stove' Heat-O-Lator (sp?). This is our main source of heat in the winter. The 'mantle' portion, if you'd like to call it that, is solid concrete - painted black. It is approximately 3ft. deep. The deer head came with the cabin :) We call him 'Bob'. You can tell by his mount that he was custom sized to fit in this space. I'm not sure how old the curtains were, but they shredded when I tried to wash them, very dry-rotted. My Mom made us new curtains that you will see in future photographs. Every window in the cabin are original 1948, except for the 2 front windows. The windows that you see on either side of the fireplace are original. They are single pane 8 lights made of cedar...yes, I said cedar window's, probably why they have lasted 60 years. They are in need of replacement, but that will happen over time. Anyway, anyone know how to clean the grout between the stones on the fireplace? I'd really like to know!
Had a similar thing with the "grout" on our fireplace.
Ours is concrete which is most likely what yours is.
Lots of plastic drop cloths, eye protection, good rubber gloves and old clothing, tooth brush style wire brushes and muriatic acid later we were looking good.
There are several commercial cleaners available, we tried several, none even dented the soot.
Hope this helps.
I'm still saying "wow" over that fireplace! It's gorgeous!!! And I love how those windows are on either side of it!
Thanks gunn and Shelley. I'll go and find some muriatic acid. Gunn, yes the grout is concrete. I'd love to see pics of yours! :) Shelley, hope you are having a good time up north. I'm at my Mom's in Houghton Lake using her PC.
Pics of your fireplace....zoowie! Pics of my fireplace, not so much. It's just orange color brick, which looks better now than it did but its just a fireplace.
But our fireplace none the less.
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