Who-da-thunk-it? Who would have ever thought to add such a beautiful detail in a log cabin. Well, someone did, 60 years ago. Those curtains don't exist anymore, well yeah, I have a couple of them put away in a drawer. They shredded when I washed them. My Mom (HI MOM!) made us new curtains for the entire cabin. Isn't she great? She found a pattern in Florida that she thought I'd like and sent me a swatch. I loved it too. I'll show pics of my new curtains at a later date.

PS Don't forget to vote today! :) I'm off to do my duty and get some
Olga's Kitchen for lunch
I love love love your cabin ! Everytime I vist your blog and see your so cute log home I'm jealous.
Can't wait to see the new curtains...
I voted 2 weeks ago...I live in a state that does mail in voting so we got your info a couple of weeks ago and I did my duty then : )
Hi Chris, We did scantron voting for the second time here. I prefer the old fashioned voting booths with the blue curtains.
Hi everyone,
The material I found for the cabin, here in Florida, was almost identical to the old ones, Denise liked the curtains that had been in the cabin and wanted the new ones to duplicate them. I had never made curtains before, so I ordered an additional 4 yards, in case of mistakes and matching patterns (material is a plaid pattern), I do not sew, so it was a new experience for me, but I layed the material on my Mom's (large)bedroom floor and did all my measuring, matching up lines in the material and cutting there. I made curtains for the bedrooms from some old office drapes my niece gave me, the drapes had 2 linings, just penned them and cut off the tops and hemmed them to fit the bedroom windows, these are ok I guess. ps. I check for new blogs almost everyday. LOL Mom
I think those coved ceilings just add to your cabin's warmth! Can't wait to see the curtains!
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