One of my neighbor's granddaughters came over one day last summer and asked if I would mind if she painted windows on my shed. I thought about it for a moment and said 'sure, no problem'. Of course, I was thinking that it's only paint and I can just paint back over it. Or, I could wait until next spring when I plan to uncover the plywood off of the old windows and re-glaze them. This little shed has been boarded up for years, it appears that someone shot the old windows with a BB gun.
Well, I was truly surprised when she matched the 'mullions' to those on the cabin. Bill had noticed that she was really trying to get them right. She was using a ruler and pencil lines. When she was done, I had no interest in painting over her work. She did a darn good job!
Later on, she asked if she could paint some flowers on the bottom, again, it's only paint. I told her that she could paint anything that she wanted on the shed, but Bill has already named it.....get this.....MOTHER-IN-LAW'S QUARTERS! I asked if she would mind painting a little sign for my Mom. She didn't disappoint my husband. It is the first thing he showed my Mom when she came over!!!
Didn't she do a fabulous job on the shed? It is also known by the kids as 'The Clubhouse'. Maybe she will paint that on the back of the sign next spring. I love my little shed so much, I wouldn't change a thing...except reglaze the window's next year.
We have a door bell and vines. A half moon. This may have been a 2-holer at one time, we aren't sure, there is a solid concrete looking seat. Could have been a pump house. Any other ideas?
Flowers, butterflies and curtains!
This is adorable!
I have been asking for an outhouse for my yard for 10 years. (a fake one) I think every log home needs one. lol
I love your shed! The color is great, the flowers - the windows are nice. Plus it is so quaint and inviting! Maybe it can be a "guest shed" for me and i can come visit! Ask your mom if she minds. I'm having shed envy now. we don't have one - but we need one!
P.S. Love your new blog header photo!
How cute. Our shed is on shore just above the water line. It is actually suspended over the water on stilts and log beams. When the lake is high the water comes up almost to the floor, but not quite. Fortunately that isn't very often. It is painted brown to blend in with the rock so that it isn't too noticeable. We really aren't supposed to have things on shore so we don't want to call much attention to it. That is where we keep our swimming toys during the winter and buckets of dry kindling to help get our fires going. -- Margy
Nice... would you care to Share your shed with our sheddies?
Cute! Sometimes it just pays to let kids go for it. Too many times we squelch their creativity,.. this is neat!
Jen, do you need help convincing hubby that you need one? I can do that...LOL
Shelley - come on over, my Mom will share. My husband teases her constantly. She is retired and folds the plastic bags from grocery stores. Bill told her that if she has time for that, she has time to get a part time job. I love how they tease each other!
Margy - we keep our swim toys in there along with bird seed and life jackets.
unclewilco - interesting place for people with shed-fethishes! I'll have to take a further look there.
Cedar - I admit, I was afraid at first. I never thought that it would turn out so cute! I imagine if she wants to change the scene next year, I'll give her the barn paint to make a blank canvas again.
Oh how awesome, Denise!!!! I LOVE the shed!!! It has 'character'!!!!!
We just got home from vacation and I miss you and all of my blogger friends.
You're fortunate to have that shed! I wouldn't change it for the world.
Isn't that a nice shed? I like the curtains in the back window. It's a gift to you, but you also gave the young lady a gift by giving her the freedom to paint and express herself.
Cool place
Very cute! We don't have a shed just a garage painted boring white:)
My mother always tells my husband he is her favorite son in law also and he is the only one also.
What a great job she did. Everything looks adorable. Blessings, Kathleen
From "The Mother-in-Law", this shed is adorable, I love my son-in-law (also known as Mr. Wonderful), and I believe the feelings are mutual. The shed painting project took place during the 4th of July celebration, everyone thought this was so cute, the small kids had a wonderful time playing (pretend)inside after the painting was finished. Denise is up-north, but should be home later today, I always look forward to see what new things she has to post. Love,Mom PS. Hi Shelly
Betsy - we've missed you since your vacation. I'll stop by your blog later and take a look.
George - thank you, I don't want to change it either.
Don, thanks, that means a lot from a school teacher!
Laurie and Chris - I bet they have fun ribbing each other too.
Kathleen - I'll have to check your place out. I have farm envy. ;)
Mom - I'm home!
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